Articles and Videos

The Rejuvenating Health Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen-Rich Water

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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the health benefits of molecular hydrogen-rich water as a potent tool in promoting overall well-being and rejuvenation. 

As I'm a bit of an alchemist that likes to experiment making things myself, I have been creating my own Hydrogen Rich Water for the last 5 years using magnesium and malic acid at a 1:5 ratio. This is 100's of times more economical than buying the premade H2 capsules. Using my ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential) meter I can pr…

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buffet indian cooking sacred food blessing
In the first of this 2 part article I shared a brief overview of some elements of the Taoist and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach to dietary recommendations based on food energetics. Instead of viewing foods purely on their isolated nutrients like vitamins and minerals, they interpret and work with the overall energetic influence a particular food has on us. In this article I will discuss the Ayurvedic system of food energetics.

The ancient Indian health care system of Ay…

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In our western culture, we have become used to understanding the nutritional aspects of our food by breaking down and isolating its different component parts into vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, proteins, fat, carbohydrates and so on. However, there is a whole other dimension to understanding and making our dietary choices based on the energetics of a particular food, or more precisely, the effect the food has on the energetics of our body. 'Energetics' is rather a nebulous term but one as…

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Harmonising Inflammation: Natural Approaches for Balance and Healing


Inflammation, often misinterpreted as solely harmful, is a fundamental aspect of our body's defence mechanism. It's the body's natural response to injury, infection, or stress, playing a pivotal role in initiating the healing process. However, when inflammation becomes chronic or uncontrolled, it can lead to a cascade of health issues. Exploring natural approaches to support inflammation balance and healing can be a game-changer in nurturing overall well-being.


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Parliamentary Vaccine Debate Rebuttal - October 24, 2022


SO many of us watching the Parliamentary Vaccine Safety Petition Debate on October 24, 2022 were left exasperated and deeply contemplating exactly what it will take to penetrate the corridors of power with valid representations of reality.

During the debate, incredibly well researched critical thinking and common sense was championed by courageous MPs as detailed previously in TCW. The debate transcript is available here, demonstrating how even the most sceptical of observers heard 90 minutes o…

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MHRA admit Yellow Card Report adverse reactions are 'serious'

Cov jab TCW

JUST before Christmas, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) changed their manner of reporting of Yellow Card adverse events.In the first ‘Coronavirus vaccine – summary of Yellow Card reporting’ update of this year, published on January 13, the ‘suspected’ side effects of the ‘vaccines’ are presented in ‘interactive Drug Analysis Profiles’ (iDAPs), which they describe as ‘a new enhanced format of data visualisations’. They claim this provides ‘improvements in format, acc…

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What's driving the increasing rates of chronic disease and inflammatory conditions?

brain inflammation
Over the last few decades we've seen an exponential rise in people suffering with many neurodegenerative and inflammatory related conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, autism, depression, anxiety, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and all other autoimmune conditions like Crohn's, ulcerative colitis and lupus etc. And this exponential increase does not seem to be slowing. 

While some explain this as the inevitable result of the ageing population due to increasing life expectancy, it doesn't …

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VIDEO - Triphala as an Rejuvenating, Phytonutrient Rich Ayurvedic Herbal Formula

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In this video I explore the potent power of Triphala - 3 Fruits Herbal formula.

Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formula made from the dried fruits of three powerful plants: amalaki (Indian gooseberry), bibhitaki, and haritaki.

Each fruit brings its own set of benefits, creating a synergistic blend.

Amalaki is rich in vitamin C and supports immunity and digestion

Bibhitaki has detoxifying properties, helping to cleanse the digestive system and maintain lung health

Haritaki is kn…

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Why Create Health In Your Life?

Each of us may have a different way of answering this question from our own unique life perspective.

It doesn't matter whether we’re striving to restore our health, maintain our level of health or enhance our health to the next level to really express our full potential on earth, there are many motivational factors that can be relevant to all of us.

We can consider some of these factors with two further distinctions:
  • Being healthy so we can do the things we'd like to do
  • Being h…

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